Friday, May 15, 2009

High pressure created an enjoyable day for birds

Light winds overnight after yesterdays strong winds made for an enjoyable day in the marsh for banding birds. A comfortable 250 new birds banded and 52 recaptures with the aid of great volunteers made the day great. Twenty-two species of warbler were seen/heard on site including Tennessee, Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Myrtle, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Western Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-and-white, American Redstart, Prothonotary, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Mourning, Common Yellowthroat, Wilson’s, and Canada.

Highlights were another Philadelphia Vireo,Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, and if I must say so myself one of the best looking female warblers there is. This one is sure nice looking don’t you think?
Top 7 species:
Magnolia Warbler – 28
Gray Catbird – 28----I really think Gray Catbird is the winner. They were everywhere!
Yellow Warbler – 25
Common Yellowthroat – 19
Nashville Warbler – 17
Tennessee Warbler – 12
American Redstart – 11

A quiz bird for you: (hint: you cannot see the leg color and that might have helped)
Here is another highlight. Take a look at this “old” lady—I can say that since I am both.

Indigo Bunting female
Look at all the blue on her! I know is it really blue or just and illusion?
A discussion that will go on forever with those who like the color blue.

So what was the quiz bird? Here is a picture hint: This is the male.

Blackpoll Warbler-note yellow feet and legs

Can you see any similarities among the male and female? If you do you will be way ahead by the time confusing fall warblers come around.

This weekend should be a good time for warblers and diversity. Don’t miss out! Tomorrow will be windy again and great chance of rain. We are to get hit with a quick warm front followed by a cold front. The sun will come out on Sunday!

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