From the numbers captured today it looks like the birds may have continued on north in the strong southwest winds overnight. There are still very few thrushes and Red-eyed Vireos for an average spring. I will have to check with other banding stations to see if they are getting the birds east or west of here. Today produced 126 new birds with 22 recaptures including 32 species in 7.5 hours of net operation. Twelve warblers and one hybrid were captured with 16 warbler species seen and/or heard.
While I was at the last net putting away a bird I had extracted, a beautiful Brewster’s Warbler (Golden-wing X Blue-Wing) flew into the net right next to me. It was about a foot away from me and I could see out of the corner of my eye the net bow out. And behold, it was a Brewster’s in the net!
Brewster's Warbler
Not only did we have that great catch but a female Hooded Warbler and couple Great Crested Flycatcher graced us with their presence.
Top 6 birds banded:
Traill’s Flycatcher - 44
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 28
Wilson’s Warbler -7
Mourning Warbler -6
Eastern Wood Pewee -5
Red-eyed Vireo -5
Get out and enjoy Spring!