Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yellow Palm Warbler brightens the day!

A balmy morning of 64 degrees and light south winds changed dramatically around 9 a.m. when the winds shifted off the lake. There was a 20 plus degree drop in temperature. Prior to the wind shift there were quite a few birds moving around. After 3 hours, cold rain eventually shut the operation down for the day. A short day but it brought our first Orange-crowned Warbler and an overflight warbler: Yellow Palm Warbler. Yellow Palm Warbler is the eastern coast race of Palm Warbler. Ohio usually sees Western Palm Warblers but occasionally in the first wave of birds we can get an eastern bird. Yellow Palm Warblers are all yellow from the chin to the tail.

Top 5 species:
White-throated Sparrow – 29 (no sign of the white-headed one)
Myrtle Warbler – 12
Swamp Sparrow – 9
Gray Catbird – 6
Hermit Thrush – 5

Can you see the Gray Catbird numbers increasing? They are on their way north! It is interesting that we caught a few Hermit Thrushes today. Yesterday we only caught one individual Hermit Thrush.

I heard that there was more variety of birds in town this morning. The birds had moved off the lake. For those of you wanting to see some birds when the wind is off the lake you might try one of the inland areas such as Toussaint or Little Portage Wildlife Areas.

Looking toward drier days… but we have been fortunate the past week. Spring usually brings showers.

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