Monday, September 8, 2008

The Observatory's Window on Wildlife was hopping with birds.....

Cool mornings cause me to be invigorated by the fall season. My fingers are not frozen so I can say it is great to be up early! You all should get out and enjoy the day! The warblers were chipping all over the place today. I could not tell what a lot of them were but I knew they were there.

The Window on Wildlife at the Observatory was hopping with birds too! Audubon of Ohio sponsored a rain garden for the Observatory and not only do we think it looks great but the birds love it too! Here is a list for today from the window: Philadelphia Vireo, Carolina Wren, Swainson’s Thrush, Several immature Cedar Waxwings using the water feature, and here are the warblers: Mourning, Cape May, Black and White, American Redstart, Wilson’s, Magnolia, Nashville, and Ovenbird. The Observatory is open Friday through Monday every week so come on in and see the wonderful rain garden and what birds it attracts!

For Navarre Marsh migration monitoring site, we caught 74 new birds with 13 recaptures which included 21 species. Twelve of the species were warblers. A few more than I thought because I tend to forget Northern Waterthrush and Ovenbird when adding up warblers in my head. Ovenbirds have been around in good numbers this fall. They are very secretive and quiet this time of year.

Besides not being able to identify the warblers during the point count this morning there was a good number of Chimney Swifts migrating today. They too are more silent than what you hear in the spring time.

Tennessee Warbler

Highlights for the day were: Tennessee Warbler and still some Canada Warblers around. It was also a big day for American Redstarts.

Top 5 species:
Gray Catbird - 12
American Redstart - 11
Swainson’s Thrush - 8
Magnolia Warbler - 7
Ovenbird - 6

I have to do it. Here is another quiz bird for you! This one I warned you to study this one several days earlier. Give it your best try.

Good Luck!

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