Another rerun of yesterday with 52 new birds netted and 43 recaptures with the ENE winds. The winds are to shift to the SE tonight and to the south tomorrow with a high probability of rain. New birds should come in if you are willing to dodge raindrops. The rest of the week does not look bad either with the winds to go west but then go south again on Sunday so I would suggest getting out to see the late migrants. I expect another push of Connecticut Warblers (remember they do not come in flocks!) to come in with the flycatchers and vireos.
Highlights today were seeing the Olive-sided Flycatcher and catching another Blackburnian Warbler! I must say if you stop birding by now you will miss out on some of the species for your year list. There was still a nice variety of warblers around. Sixteen species were observed including: Tennessee, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, Black-and-white, American Redstart, Prothonotary, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Mourning, Common Yellowthroat, Wilson’s, and Canada.
Female Red-winged Blackbirds were obviously looking for nesting materials and some feeding young because they were the top bird today. The typical warblers are still in good numbers if you are looking for Magnolias and American Redstarts today is a good day to find them. However, I hear the Magee Boardwalk was hopping with Wilson’s Warblers as well.
Female Red-winged Blackbirds were obviously looking for nesting materials and some feeding young because they were the top bird today. The typical warblers are still in good numbers if you are looking for Magnolias and American Redstarts today is a good day to find them. However, I hear the Magee Boardwalk was hopping with Wilson’s Warblers as well.
Top 7 species:
Red-winged Blackbird – 7
Magnolia Warbler – 5
American Redstart – 5
Canada Warbler – 4
Traill’s Flycatcher – 4
Gray Catbird – 4
Swainson’s Thrush – 4
Enjoy this handsome male Mourning Warbler with his exceptionally black attire.

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