One hundred and forty-one new banded birds with six recaptures. Four recaptures were returning banded birds from previous years. This is almost as exciting as catching a foreign banded bird that someone else banded and we have caught in the net. Today we had an old Maullador Gris (Gray Catbird) banded in 2006, two common Yellowthroats and a House Wren from last year. The Yellow Warbler caught yesterday was banded in 2006. One of the benefits of a long running research station. We have the longevity record for Yellow Warbler in the country at least as far as we know and that is an 11 year old female :). She has been places I have never seen.
Ever really looked at the back of a Golden-winged Warbler? Well, here it is. Could you guess it was a Golden-wing by the back?
Top 6 species:
White-throated Sparrow (WTSP)-56
Gray Catbird (GRCA)-12
Myrtle Warbler (MYWA)-6
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (RCKI)-6
House Wren (HOWR)-6
Western Palm Warbler (WPWA)-5
Morning rain tomorrow but it still should be good to be outdoors. After the first wave of songbirds come, everyday is good after that. Some are just better than others. Enjoy!
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