Another brisk morning with fairly strong northwesterly winds made for a slow going day. However, once the sun came out, some of the small birds became a little more active. Fifty-five new banded birds, 35 recaptures, and 999 fallen leaves were the catch in the mist nets for today. No, I did not count every last leaf, but there were more leaves than birds. This morning nets were set up with a loud chorus from White-throated Sparrows both singing and giving their typical sharp chip note. This did translate into them being the number one captured bird but there were a lot more in the marsh than we banded. Most of them did not fly or move around much during the day.
The warmer last net check round produced these two species to add to the day’s list. Both have the same genus scientific name (Vermivora). You can see similarities in the head, bill shape, and size.

The bird on the right is a Nashville Warbler with its gray head, distictive eye ring, and bright yellow breast. The other bird is the quiz bird for the day. I gave you this bird a week or so ago and mentioned that it will come back to help you remember or refresh your memory. Here is the left bird from the top if that helps.

Can you see how camouflaged it is from above. No accipiter will see this bird flying overhead. See below and note the pattern on its chest. The gray streaking helps give it away to me with the split eye ring. Here is the side view of the bird with yellow undertail coverts.
Okay that is enough hints to give you!
Beach top species:
White-throated Sparrow-3
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Gray Catbird-1
Main Inside top species:
White-throated Sparrow-19
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-6
Winter Wren-4
Golden-crowned Kinglet-4
Swainson’s Thrush-3
Hermit Thrush-3
Nine species of warbler were seen including Orange-crowned Warbler (quiz bird answer), Nashville, Cape May, Black-throated Blue, Myrtle, Black-throated Green, Ovenbird, and Common Yellowthroat. Another highlight of the day was this Philadelphia Vireo.

Some of these species we are seeing need to head south! The weekend sounds good for being outside so I hope you can take some time to enjoy the outdoors.