Quiz bird for you:

Magnolia Warbler – 13
Ovenbird – 4
Red-eyed Vireo – 3
Gray Catbird – 3
Wilson’s Warbler – 2
Northern Waterthrush – 2
Common Yellowthroat -2
Warbling Vireo - 2

BSBO's passerine migration monitoring project is conducted every spring and fall in the Lake Erie Marsh Region of Northwest Ohio. BSBO Bird Bander's blog will provide you with highlights of what birds are being netted and seen in this area as well as interesting information about bird banding in general.
And not only was the American Woodcock cool to look at with its flexible bill, and the eye arrangement so it can see 360 degrees to detect predators; the bird told us what it thought of us when we released it on the trail from the banding table: It strutted away from the table with its short tail raised and flaired as if to say this is what I think of you! I guess you had to see it for yourself. Something you can see is the woodcock we caught was a male by the narrow outer three primaries. This is what makes the twitter sound during courtship.
Picture of the top of its head where both eyes are visible.
As the season dwindles, take note of the early migrants heading south in August: Yellow and Prothonotary Warblers, Baltimore Orioles, and flycatchers. Enjoy the season!