Kinglets, White-Throated Sparrows (WTSP) and Hermit Thrushes (HETH) were the most common when we started up the daily operation this past week. A few birds of interest have appeared in the daily BSBO Facebook posts but here are some interesting summaries so far. Seven warbler species have been seen or banded at the Navarre Marsh Unit of Ottawa NWR/ Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station property. They consist of Myrtle (MYWA), Black-throated Green (BTNW), Pine (PIWA), Black-and- White (BAWW), Prothonotary (PROW), Ovenbird (OVEN), and Louisiana Waterthrush (LOWA). The Louisiana Waterthrush is an overflight warbler for NW Ohio. It may be found breeding in the southern part of the state and further south.
One of the important pieces of information we gather from this long term data set is an idea of how long some of these birds live. Most songbirds, if they make it past their first birthday (January 1st) will live on average 2-4 years if they are fortunate. So far we have had 24 birds return that were banded in prior years. We have not calculated their ages at this point, but nonetheless, it is interesting to see how many have survived to return to this important habitat. Of course, most of these species are resident and did not make a long migration. However, they did have to withstand an unusually harsh winter here in NW Ohio.
Downy Woodpecker 1
Red-winged Blackbird 8
Song Sparrow 5
American Robin 5
Northern Cardinal 2
Black-capped Chickadee 3
Here is a tip that can help birdwatchers to age Red-winged Blackbird (RWBL) females.... Here are After-second year (ASY) and Second Year (Hatched last year)(SY):
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Female ASY RWBL- note bright orange lesser coverts |
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Female SY RWBL- note brown or tawny lesser coverts |