For June someone should do a big bird challenge to see how many migrant songbirds they can find. There are still some migratory songbirds along the lakeshore. A Blackpoll Warbler was still singing yesterday in Navarre. Today running the last day of the migration station and the first day of Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (M.A.P.S.) Navarre station we still had a few migrants present. Wilson's Warbler, Mourning Warbler, Veery, and Swainson's Thrush to name some that we caught today.

This spring has been the lowest in a 20 year history. We are still trying to network with other stations to get a picture of what may be going on with the low volume of birds. We banded around 5,019. It is a field total until the data gets into the computer. We are all hoping fall will prove to be better for the birds.
A quiz bird from one of our breeding bird stations (Note the tail pattern):

A female Prothonotary Warbler made the day at the Navarre M.A.P.S. station. The white in the tail is blurry with the gray bleeding into the white on the tail feathers. The male would have more retices with white and the demarcation of white and gray in the feathers would be crisp. She is still a fine bird to see!

Here is the front of the quiz bird:

Lark Sparrow
This bird was captured at Oak Openings Metropark. We caught two second year males on Wednesday.
The Oak Openings Breeding Bird site is operated in partnership with the Metroparks of the Toledo Area. We are grateful for the long term cooperation with the Metroparks.
I would like to take this time to thank the many volunteers who have contributed their time and talents to the spring migration monitoring this year. Believe it or not some drive 1-2 hours to assist with the project. This says a lot for their commitment and I appreciate them and what they do for the project. THANK YOU!